Nanos Valaoritis, Article: The Occupy Germany Movement



Yesterday I heard from a Russian friend
from St Petersburg that the propaganda BLITZ GRIEG starting in GERMANY against Greece and spreading to the western media, in and out of the E.U. had influenced even the Russians tourists who were thinking of visiting Greece this summer. Some asked her why she was going to Greece which was such a corrupt country, utterly destroyed and literally infrequenable, that the Greeks were all cheats etc. so why go there. She answered that Greece was Greece and there was nothing about it that discouraged one to visit it. We are a long way away from “L’ETE GREC” by Jacques Lacarriere, describing the simple people and their hospitality. The power of the media and the incredible spread of false rumors against a country are reminiscent of the biased propaganda against Serbia ending in a three months devastating bombardment to bend it to western demands over Kosovo.  Is the West today playing the role of a newly developing Roman Empire that wishes to reduce all independent states to provinces, at their service and… read exploitation? What is different from the Nazi plans of a thousand year Reich?

“The bias of Western Europe against Eastern Europe is an old history”

The bias of Western Europe against Eastern Europe is quite old and begins with the break up of the Roman Empire into West and East segments, with different emperors before the fall of the western part to the Goths.  Since then the two parts developed differently. The East came under the Greek culture with Byzantium in its Christian phase, and the West remained romanized mixed with the Germanic tribes. This difference between the two Eu ropes has not been cancelled. The Byzantine influence Christianized the Slavic tribes, so we have a whole north-south eastern segment with Russia as its main power. The two Eu ropes still do not understand each other and are often still in conflict. The West is mainly Germanolatinate, while the East is Hellenoslavic. There are important cultural and psychological differences as well as religious: the West is Catholic and Protestant while the East is Orthodox. Racially the two Eu ropes have common roots in the Indoeuropean ancestry, both linguistically and biologically and they have similar traditions. But the West developed into an imperialist set of countries with widespread colonies, while the East was confined to northern and central Asia.

Today these two sides still do not understand each other, as suspicion and fear holds them apart. Even after two world wars in which they were allies against a common enemy, Germany, with different regimes. Recent diplomacy shows this clearly. Now Germany has reverted to its old bad habits of wanting supremacy in Europe, and is using its economic power for that purpose. Western propaganda under the flag of democracy tries to impose itself politicaly and economicaly in the East. The way it’s done today in a hostile fashion will not work. This is not the way to create fraternity and cooperation among peoples.  Even inside the European Union this atmosphere of contention creates separation more than cooperation. When one country has the power to blast another and does it without thinking of the consequences, the hostility will spread and be returned to those who first emit it. And in this, will play a large part, not the only economics, but the psychology and the culture of each nation.

Germany has to be contained by the European Union

The recent onslaught of the German media against Greece trying to reduce its very existence to the state of pariah has already misfired largely and the hostility from the southern countries is being returned against Germany. If the Germans continue in this wrong economic and political line soon they will be perceived as an imminent danger to European solidarity and to the Union. This country, Germany, that has caused such damage to other European countries especially Greece, will have to be contained by the E. U. At first with economic pressure and administrative measures and if that fails, with military means before it’s too late. A country that calls another cheats and has cheated them of war reparations with the backing of the Americans, is a permanent hypocritical thorn on the European side.  Morally the Americans made a big mistake after WWII to let the Germans off the hook. They should have to have paid for their crimes. I am sorry to have to say this but Germany will need to be re- Occupied by the rest of the European nations, who form a considerable majority, on the continent, and their will is the will of the majority.

Germany use Greece as a testing ground to create a new Roman Empire

If Germany through Brussels and her northern allies, wants to create a new Roman Empire, it has first to remember what Marx said about repetition in history. The second time around a similar attempt is a farce. The two previous attempts by Germany to gain supremacy were tragedies for all concerned. This third attempt is not even serious because it is based on a false theory of austerity at a time of crisis, proved wrong since Hoover, president of the USA applied it causing the Great Depression of 1928-1930. This is what the Germanic program is driving the Europe of today towards unfailingly, and using Greece as a testing ground which satisfies in their eyes many previous accounts, by abusing the Greeks of today because their fathers resisted the onslaught of the Nazis, the only European nation to do so. And by this retarded by one month the attack on Russia giving time to the Russians to counterattack and save Moscow and Leningrad, now once more Saint Petrograd. So savage was the German attack that not a single Russian family today lacks a victim, someone killed by the Germans.  Just as Greek families lost 600.000 Greeks from hunger privations and massacres.  

Germany is a huge danger for Europe

Germany is a huge danger for Europe if given a free hand once more. One million Greeks are already unemployed. Thousands are emigrating. And the incomparable Scheuble says it’s their fault because they lived it up amassing a debt of 350 billion for only 11 million inhabitants. But consider the situation of the Greek economy, a main client of Germany for imports. Where did that money go?  Most of it went to Germany enriching the very nation that made the savage and vulgar attack on our country in their famous populist press, the newspaper Bild and the magazine Focus. The vulgarity of their attack had items such as “Why don’t you sell your Islands”, favourite holiday resorts of the Germans, or the Acropolis and other Museums with ancient artifacts. Nietsche’s opinion of the vulgarity of the Germans would have been entirely justified had he been alive to see this abuse on his venerated classical Greece. Of course they could say that contemporary Greeks are not the descendants of the classical Greeks but a hybrid of Slaves, Albanians, and other Balkan people, as Hitler told his officers before they attacked Greece, that they would not be killing authentic Greeks, and asked them to inform their troops.  So the German press felt free to attack contemporary Greeks with all the known cliches and to do so culturaly and not only on the economic level. That caused the President of the Greek Republic in an unprecedented outburst of anger, to accuse Scheuble, of insulting his country.  

“The myth that Greeks lived off the toil of the Germans is just silly “

It’s time for the Germans and their acolytes in the north to realize that they are not alone in Europe and cannot abuse freely another European country to which they are bound by mutual treaties. The myth that Greeks lived off the toil of the Germans and other northern Europeans is just silly since it is well known that they were one of the chief purchasers of goods from these countries with their loans, among which even weapons, since we have an aggressive and turbulent neighbor, Turkey, who frequently makes intimidation raids on our islands with planes and warships, violating our airspace and territorial waters. All this costs a mint and weapons are frequently bought from Germany, who makes it a point of handing them over faulty or incomplete after corrupting officials of the government with large sums.  
 So if they have ever loaned us money through Brussels or the Deutchebank they get the dividends and interest on top.
So who is living on another’ s expense? Not to speak of the German Occupation loan never repaid that emptied Greece of everything, and all they purchased with Occupation marks made worthless as they lost their value at the expense of the Greek merchants.  
The continual practice of brandishing Greece as an example to avoid, menacing other countries of the Euro zone, is so gross, so rude, and then on top of it intervening in the Greek elections with similar threats of total collapse if the Greeks don’t vote for the parties committed to the austerity measures.


Meanwhile I discovered in Lucienne Rochon’s little book “Lautreamont et le style homerique” a reference to G.Hinstin professor of rhetoric in the Imperial Lycee of Pau, and teacher of Lautreamont, (Isidore Ducasse), to a speech given in 1873 in the Lycee of Lyon, deploring the decline of classical learning in favor of science in the wake of the French defeat by Prussia in 1870. Prussia incarnates for him the bad use of of Homer and the Humanities, and the tone of his attack is reminiscent of the kind, his student Lautreamont launched on the humanity in general.

THE BIRD OF PREY is still flying over our heads […] and you are elevating charming singing birds in cages, to teach them to weave sounds, instead of giving them beaks and claws! [..] This new Germany has no doubt numberless schools but they TEACH UNEXPIATED HATRED NOT YET SATIATED.  She possesses flowering universities, whose organisation is perfect with rich budgets that make us envy: but they form moralists who PREACH THE FAMOUS POLICIES OF IRON AND BLOOD, and who only recently analyzed sotto voce “the psychological moment of the bombardement of Paris”; their jurists profess THE RIGHT OF FORCE;their naturalists  introduce in contemporary History THE DARWINIAN THEORY OF STRUGGLE FOR LIFE ending in the IDEAL OF A SAVAGE WAR OF RACES. The successors of Ottfried Muller and Winckelmann now teach a course on the AESTHETICS OF BATTLES; and the poets nourished by these high lecons, write, as says the critic who knows them well ( V. Cherbulliez), ODES TO THE SAINT MACHINE GUN and believe in the REGIMENTATION OF THE WORLD BY THE CANONS OF KRUPP. In science finaly they possess admirable laboratories, but their science has no soul. It is she who accomplishes these MASTERPIECES OF CALCULATED CRUELTY and which push to A MARVELLOUS DEGREE OF MATHEMATICAL PRECISION  THE ART OF DESTROYING [..] HUMANS. [She ] AWAITS A NEW ENNEMI TO CRUSH.
This extraordinary portrait of GERMANY accounts for the two bloody World Wars launched by her perfectly, and now applies to a third war of an economic nature she has begun on the weaker nations of the continent, but always in the same spirit of hubris and barbaric domination.

There is nothing to envy Roman tactics of oppression on their conquered countries. But we are not living in Roman times so this might easily turn into  a farce, a thwarted attempt to rule the unruly peoples of Europe nowadays, is fraught with unforeseen humiliating consequences for  Germans, who are already comically afraid of visiting Greece and have cancelled one third of their tickets for fear the Greeks will harm them. But the only fear they may have is of the Greeks emptying their wallets, since they are not fools enough to empty their guns on them and lose customers but they will savage them in cartoons and articles in the “civilized” manner just as they do, and demand what is owed to them.

Nanos Valaoritis
Athens  14 April 2012

Read the article in Greek
Νάνος Βαλαωρίτης, άρθρο, THE OCCUPY GERMANY MOVEMENT

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About Nanos Valaoritis


  1. I have read what you wrote with appalled fascination. The media has much that it is responsible for but this is a new one for me. The peoples of France , Spain and possibly other countries are having their say. I am fearful of what United States citizens will say in November. Thank you Nanos!