10 Points Relating to the Geopolitical Importance of Greece

  1. Greece is a very valuable piece of real estate.
  2. It is a place for holidays for  the rain soaked northern Europeans
  3. It is an archeological site of a unique ancient civilization
  4. Her position in the Eastern Mediterranean is of high Geostrategic importance, as an entrance to the troubled Middle East and Near East filled with oil.
  1. It is crucial for military support in a possible attack against Israel.
  2. It is important in keeping an eye on Turkey in case this country turns Islamic extremist.
  3. It is the tip of the Balkan Peninsula in case of trouble further north.
  4. Greece has already been used three times by the great powers to bolster up  defense or to create a diversion: First, before the Great War of 1914, in 1909 a revolution of the army brought in Eleutherios Venizelos the greatest Greek politician of the 20th century from Crete. With the help of my grandfather Ioannis Valaoritis, president of the National Bank of Greece, he borrowed a big sum to ready the Greek army for war. The French were using Greece as a testing ground for weapons and lent them freely especially new artillery. It was a matter of supporting Venizelos friendly to the allies, against the Germanophile King Constantine. Greece thanks to the Balkan wars 1912-1913 was enlarged significantly took over Macedonia and part of Thrace. Venizelos engineered a coup and took northern Greece away from the Germanophile Government in 1916 and joined the Allies who poured in armies and weapons and created, based in Salonika, a front against the Germans, Turks and Bulgarians. A clear case of the usefulness of Greece, as a geographic position, in the Balkans. The result was disatrous due to internal politics and external big power change of mind. The catastrophe of Asia Minor with two million refuges and more exchanged populations. The price for Greece and it’s Asia minor populations was high.

9. In the Second World War, our paradoxical dictator General Metaxas imposed a fascist regime in 1935-1940, but was secretly convinced of an allied victory and brought in the English after the Italians under Mussolini attacked us in 1940.-1941. The Greek army held back the Italians and pushed them back into Albania, the first victory in the war against the Axis. Then the Germans came, through Yugoslavia that collapsed and Bulgaria that was an ally. It took them a month to subdue Greece especially Crete where the Germans had huge losses of 600 parachutists out of 3000, mostly by Cretans shooting them down with old gras rifles. The price they paid was wholesale massacres of the male population by the Nazis whose high command came in to find out what had happened.  This retarded the operation Barbarossa against Russia for a month, bogging down the Germans in front of Moscow and Leningrad.

10. In the sequel Cold War between the West and Russia, Greece repulsed the attempt by Tito and allied Bulgarians and Albanians to impose a People’s Republic in Greece. The West British and Americans provided the money and the weapons, the Greeks the blood, in the Operation, that lasted 4 years of Civil strife. Once more the great powers used Greece as buffer state against Stalinist Russia... They paid for it with the so called Marshall Plan, to reconstruct the Greece totally destroyed by the Germans and who never received from them war damages. And the Greeks paid for all this in blood and tears and civil unrest.

Today the Europeans and the Anglo-Americans with NATO are trying to buy out Greece as cheaply as possible, as a forward post towards a brewing great trouble in the Middle and Near East.  Our politicians are not aware of this or slavishly try to ignore it out of fear.  Greece is invaluable as support for Israel in case of attack by the new Islamic revolutions. And opposite a more and more uncertain Turkey, under Islamic rule. The same applies to Cyprus. If Greece were allowed to return to the drachma and stupidly expelled from the E.U. by cutting off the money supply it would fall under the influence of the Russians and the Chinese immediately, with their ambiguous policies towards the West.

 Who does not see or admit the Geopolitical and military importance of Greece? Why do the Germans seem to forget it?

 The reason is not simple. They have revenge feelings towards Greece who thwarted them twice.  And they have barely concealed guilt, and aggressive attitudes of denial. Also they see the American influence on Greece as a rival to pangermanism in Europe. They have made enemies of the Greeks with the harshly imposed measures of austerity. They have ravaged its economy and with the propaganda war have humiliated a small country. But Greece is not only a valuable asset for the West but also a symbol. It will boomerang on them this authoritarian, arrogant, irrational, stupid and culturally vulgar behavior.

 Why do you think that such a united anti-austerity front has arisen in the recent elections? And created a strong party of the radical left. And the hateful Golden Dawn neonazis, joining in this sense paradoxicaly the countries of the European north, Finland, Holland, Austria, etc.

 If the Troika wants the Greeks to leave Greece to the foreigners all they have to do is squeeze this governement forcing them to triple the taxes so no Greeks will own any property since they will be unable to pay taxes and their properties will then be massively expropriated to be sold to foreign companies.  Already most cash has left the country. Less and less people have money to live on. But will the Greek society accept this lying down? I doubt it. It looks like a forced GREXIT not from the euro but from of the Greeks themselves from Greece. This valuable geostrategic property would then pass into the hands of the lenders and the big powers.

If God is the Higgs Boson, we have to ask it what it says..!!!

 Nanos Valaoritis

Athens 4 July 2012



Related Articles by Nanos Valaoritis

 Nanos Valaoritis, Article: The Occupy Germany Movement

Nanos Valaoritis, article, “Greece in a Time of Crisis”  

 About Nanos Valaoritis (Wikipedia)